Copyright - By law you may not use, copy or reproduce any of our images without our copyright release. All images on this site are copyright of Flash Harry Photography 2011. If you do, we have the right to sue you under copyright law. This is designed to protect photographers work, any use of our images without our copyright release is theft! You may however, use our image to sell you horse or pony ONCE you have purchased the image; we do not charge extra for this. If you require us to email confirmation to a magazine or send electronic images, then we do charge for this. So, if you've bought an image from us, you may use this image to advertise your horse, without checking with us. If you want to use it for anything else, you need a copyright release.
We will not share any of your personal details with anyone outside of the company. We may however, send you a very occassional email with any new offers we may have.